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What is online giving?


Online Giving is the process where you authorize your bank to deduct a specified amount from your debit or credit card or your bank account. We have partnered with Paypal to make this process both simple and secure. You choose your giving frequency and amount, and you can make changes at any time. By setting up a profile and password, you can take advantage of the highly secure environment for your transaction and use the online tools for managing and monitoring your contributions. To make giving more convenient for you, we accept credit cards. We only encourage you to use this option if you pay off your balance each month

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Where does your money go?


All contributions are used to fulfill our mission of leading people on a life-changing journey to follow Jesus Christ. That includes investing in outreach efforts both in our community and globally. Your contribution helps us counsel hurting people, help folks win freedom from addictions, offer children’s ministry programming in our communities, plant new churches throughout the world and much more. Most important, we are sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with every ministry initiative. That, of course, is where people find hope for the future and the opportunity to experience real life change

How should I begin giving?


The Bible refers to using 10% of your income as a basis for knowing how much to give. The key is to give regularly and generously. Why? Jesus said this, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). If we become generous with our money, God promises our heart will follow. Additionally, 2 Corinthians 9 tells us “each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give; not reluctantly or under compulsions, for God loves a cheerful giver.” In other words, giving is part of God’s design for Christ-followers.

The Friendship Christian Church Ministries

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